Sunday, October 31, 2010

Understanding Intangibles in general.

The birth chart is the life map for a person’s “Intangibles”. It’s a description of ones entire personality and interest. The subjects and conditions you’re likely to experience in your life can be seen in your birth chart. However, it’s what you do in response to these things that determine your life. So the birth chart has some consequence in it, but you can always make choices (although these choices are influenced by your psychological make-up, which is influenced by your Intangibles). Overall, the birth chart is a handy guide to explaining your assignment here at Earth University according to that person’s point of view.

There are 12 Zodiac Signs that contribute to your personality. These signs represent 12 different types of traits

Here is each sign and some keywords connected to the traits usually associated with the sign. All together I call them Intangibles.

Aries (self-starting actions)

(personal values, possessions)

Gemini (fact-sharing, thoughts, speech, writing)

Cancer (home, family, mother, emotional security)

Leo (ego, personal, creativity, recreation)

Virgo (fact-gathering, details, refinement, discrimination, service)

Libra (interpersonal relationships, balancing, reciprocity, justice)

Scorpio (matters that cause transformation; i.e. sex, money, power)

Sagittarius (knowledge,clairvoyance,spirituality)

Capricorn (aspirations, long-term planning, social norms)

Aquarius (social groups, change, freedom, genius)

(imagination, intuition)

You might have heard someone say “I’m an Earth sign”. Or Fire. Or Water. Or Air. Each Zodiac Sign belongs to an element group:

Fire signs are Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. These are the optimistic, creative-oriented, feeling signs. They want/need action or inspiration.

Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. These are the practical, material-oriented, stable signs. They want/need security.

Air signs are Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. These are the logical, people-oriented, adaptable signs. They want/need to exchange ideas.

Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. These are the emotional, self-oriented, intuitive signs. They want/need emotional nurturing.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Astrological Health

Astrological Traits is not only predictive or diagnostic – it is also remedial!! Self empowerment, finances, and luck as well as physical well being can be augmented using charms, meditative practices and some rather unusual ritual technologies which the ancient seers believed fit the characteristic traits of each star sign –

The following shows some basic techniques -

o AriesFasting or moderately reducing food intake on Tuesdays; Throwing sweets in a running river; wearing the red gems of Red Coral etc for Mars

o TaurusFasting or moderately reducing food intake on Fridays; Feeding brown cows on a Friday;Making charitable donations or providing assistance to young women or females in distress

o Gemini - Fasting or moderately reducing food intake on Wednesdays; Making charitable donations or providing assistance to orphans and young school children; donate green clothes or food; wear green gems; feed pigeons on Wednesdays

o CancerFasting or moderately reducing food intake on Mondays; Making charitable donations or providing assistance to Mother or older destitute females; keeping a piece if silver on you at all times

o Leo Fasting or moderately reducing food intake on Sundays; Making charitable donations or providing assistance to men and father. Throwing copper coins in running water or ocean

o Virgo - Fasting or moderately reducing food intake on Wednesdays; Making charitable donations or providing assistance to orphans and young school children; donate green clothes or food; wear green gems; feed pigeons on Wednesdays

o Libra - Fasting or moderately reducing food intake on Fridays; Feeding brown cows on a Friday;Making charitable donations or providing assistance to young women or females in distress

o Scorpio - Fasting or moderately reducing food intake on Tuesdays
; Throwing sweets in a running river; wearing the red gems of Red Coral etc for Mars

o SagittariusFasting or moderately reducing food intake on Thursdays; Making charitable donations or providing assistance to Churches and relief organizations; regular humanitarian aid

o Capricorn - Fasting or moderately reducing food intake on Saturdays; Making charitable donations or providing assistance to old destitute men, street sweepers and terminally ill; feeding crows on Saturdays

o Aquarius - Fasting or moderately reducing food intake on Saturdays; Making charitable donations or providing assistance to old destitute men, street sweepers and terminally ill; feeding crows on Saturdays

o Pisces - Fasting or moderately reducing food intake on Thursdays; Making charitable donations or providing assistance to Churches and relief organizations; regular humanitarian aid; feeding fish

Monday, June 14, 2010

Psychological Planets: Pluto

Pluto. Sociological Urge. The organized group as the instrument with which to amputate parasitic growths on the body politic, in order to reconstruct society along more altruistic lines. Depending upon the spiritual development they have attained, these individuals become leaders of eleemosynary organizations. Foundations for the advancement of human welfare and relations, professional associations or trade unions through which to achieve better social conditions, or mere racketeers and gang leaders. It affords incentive to great literary or dramatic geniuses who inculcate in their works Plutonian doctrines calculated to bear fruit through the succeeding generation; total disregard for constituted authority or vested rights, except as administered for the good of all; and even at its worst, more likely to be activated by a sense of righteous indignation on behalf of society than by personal vindictiveness.

Psychological Planets: Neptune

Neptune: The Social Unrest; follow-the-trend illusive and intangible emotions, of which we know so little; entertains false hopes and indulges in tricky schemes, yet is highest in human sympathy; loves mystery; acts dictated by powerful but inexplicable motives, directed toward invisible, intangible ends; reacts to harmony, sympathy, symmetry, rhythm, poetry, and the dance, which is the poetry of motion, with a partiality for stringed instruments; also for the morbid and erotic.

Neptune pertains to feeling, desire, emotion, imagination. aesthetics, intuition, the psychic faculties or extra-sensory perceptions. When thwarted it becomes psycho-neurotic, theatric, and susceptible to flattery, the power of suggestion, and appearances. On the merest whim it will break a bargain or go back on its word. It exhibits a high regard for uniformity yet often succeeds in enterprises that require more than the average measure of mental effort. Neptune is deemed a higher octave of Venus.

Psychological Planets: Uranus

Uranus: The iconoclastic tendency: characterized by an aloof, offhand manner and approach; imagination, constructive or otherwise; reacts violently against anything that would deprive him of his free and conscious choice of thought and action. Unbending will, insistent upon independence at any price; not readily amenable to any sort of control, much less to arbitrary authority; strong sense of power and authority; assertiveness, with crushing positiveness; self-reliant; inventive; interest in scientific and religious principles; unconventional, altruistic; perseverance to cope with and conquer material obstacles, yet subject to sudden changes of attitude; organizer, promoter, scientific investigator along materialistic lines; originality, with a tendency to break new ground, start new occupations, advance new ideas, utilize new methods, depart from established customs, and hold in disdain the arbitrary restrictions of conventional morality; strong mechanical sense and executive ability that leans toward construction engineering; unerring ability to sense people's motives, hence often becomes a refractory spirit, more or less alienated from his relatives; moves spontaneously from an inner urge - hence impulsive and generally classed as eccentric.

Uranus is deemed a higher octave of Mercury. often fails to know his own mind, but is moved by providential circumstances; often a fatalist who considers his destiny beyond his control.

Naturally inclined to be variable, spasmodic, impulsive, prophetic, and heroic, under restriction - even that of an inferiority complex - it becomes eccentric, refractory, bohemian, fanatical, anarchistic, and given to hurling sarcastic invectives at anybody or anything on any pretext and without provocation. Uranus is eminently the planet of science and invention, particularly aviation, electricity, and astrology.

Psychological Planets: Saturn

Saturn: The concrete creative faculties: asceticism; practical ability to achieve the external expression of thought forms; well ordered mind for the technical and concrete with an emphasis on detail; inclined toward scientific research involving mathematics; the conservative realist who asserts the authority of experience; secretive, noncommittal, noncommunicative; cautious, inhibited and reserved; laconic in expression; apostle of justice meted out with a firm hand, yet fair and impartial, a strong sense of justice - particularly injustice; a slave to customs and conventions, even when railing against them; patient, prudent, constant but jealous, yet not easily offended. Its emphasis on the personal ego and inability to give outward expression to affection, tends to separation and isolation; a serious outlook on life; inclined to learn everything the hard way; avoids strenuous effort or exertion - but generally finds more than his share of it to do. Its strong sense of self-preservation is deliberately purposeful and holds the emotions in check through the exercise of thought and will power, more completely than does any other planet.

Where Uranus makes a show of strength when freedom is threatened, and Mars when the passions are aroused, Saturn is cold, slow and deliberate, but inexorable when fully aroused. Plots his way to positions of authority, wherein he discharges his duties with tyrannical conservatism; generally a reactionary, but faithful.

Normally fearful, secretive, cautious, defensive, binding, cold, hard, persevering, steadfast; when frustrated Saturn develops avarice, materialism, ultra-conservatism, tradition-bound narrow-mindedness, pessimism and fatalism.

Psychological Planets: Jupiter

Jupiter: The abstract and creative faculties: comparison applied in generalizations upon the broader aspects; idealism; powerful sense of the dramatic, and obsessed with the desire to be of service to society; symbolizes a person of sound judgment with an ample store of common sense; optimism, order, harmony; the principle of expansion and growth as expressed in the accumulation of material wealth, but without the miserliness of a marked Saturnian trait. Idealism generosity; a balance of feeling and thought, of heart and mind, that yields optimism, devotion, benevolence, good nature, generosity, temperateness, sociability, hopefulness; peace-loving, law-abiding, philosophical; usually of marked religious tendencies, especially of a ritualistic order; convinced of the integrity of his motives and that his judgments are tempered with mercy; love of beauty as applied to grandeur and the sublime, with a leaning toward art, especially sculpture; the ability to overcome opposition with forceful but impersonal arguments; broad vision, open-mindedness; listens to reason.

Jupiter creates conditions through which these qualities can bc expressed: health, as physical harmony; law, as social harmony; religion, as spiritual harmony - not as channels of intellect, or the means of making money. It represents judgment, power in the benevolent sense, profit, good fortune, honesty, dignity - or just plain respectability.

At its best Jupiter is generous
, expansive, genial, temperate, vital, benevolent, respectful, self-controlled; but when frustrated it inclines to pride, dissipation, boastfulness, gambling, extravagance, procrastination, complacency, hypocrisy.

Psychological Planets: Mars

Mars: The vital faculties: combativeness, acquisitiveness, desire, enthusiasm, passionate amativeness, courage, ardor in pursuit, not easily rebuffed and seldom discouraged, indiscriminate sexuality, haste, anger, intolerance, fretfulness; a centre of power and energy, whether for good or ill; acute, penetrative mind, largely concerned with physical accomplishment, through direct-action methods, rather than aims, and fitted for enterprises requiring seer-assurance; dynamic force, whether applied constructively or destructively; domineering, brooks no interference and is often ruthless in disregard of others; fearless and unhesitating as to hazardous undertakings and occupations; love of family - and on a wider plane, patriotism; ever ready to protect its own, whether family, country or organization; strong sense of brotherhood with humanity at large, though appearing to be self-centered. Mars is forceful, active, inflammatory, generally careless and destructive, expert, high-spirited. Normally synonymous with force, activity, ambition, pluck, endurance, desire, strife. When thwarted, Mars becomes cruel, egotistical, sarcastic, quarrelsome, coarse, vulgar.

Psychological Planets: Venus

Venus: Physical faculties: friendship, romantic amativeness; the affections, particularly love and the emotions derived therefrom; aesthetic sense, but not analytical; responsive to beauty whether of person, adornment, art or environment; enjoys elegance, comfort and pleasure; good taste; sex sensitivity, but discriminating; parental instinct; a youthful, almost childlike simplicity of approach and viewpoint; a gracious yet almost patronizing attitude; subject to negative moods and extremes of feeling; given to self-pity in moments of depression; mind highly receptive but largely concerned with social affairs; memory sense frequently unreliable; gentle, amiable, pacific, graceful, cheerful, temperate, passive. When thwarted, inclines to extravagance in self-indulgence; slothful, licentious, sensual, vain, dissolute, and generally abandoned; fond of gaudy apparel. Evolved Venusian sensibilities incline to art, music, peace, justice, grace, faithfulness, fruitfulness.

Psychological Planets: Mercury

Mercury: Concrete mental faculties: perception of size, weight, form, color, order, position, motion; memory, speech, intonation, phonetic inflection; thought, understanding, reason, intelligence; vacillation, hesitancy to face issues; mental waywardness; brilliant and facile but not profound; intellect in the abstract but not the concrete; industrious in acquiring knowledge for its own sake, apart from any practical application or any question of right or wrong; amasses evidence and eloquently cites statistics in support of his thesis; loves argument and debate; cunning, crafty, subtle; a skilled technician enjoying a superficial proficiency; literary, though not a ready writer. Mercury's highest application appears to be in the realm of "pure reason," which, however, knows so much on both sides of a subject it experiences difficulty in drawing a conclusion, or in holding to a conclusion once arrived at. From the planet Mercury we have the word for the element Mercury, and its derivative effect, mercurial. Its mental direction is largely determined by aspecting planets. v. Aspects, planetary.

Psychological Planets: Moon

Moon: Higher emotional faculties such as faith, hope and charity, veneration, peace-loving. The instinctive mind, the desire-nature with respect to material things; the external reactions to every-day affairs and to those pertaining to the home and domestic life; moods that fluctuate between the extremes of optimism and pessimism; ideas that are not abstract; ingenuity applicable to concrete purposes and practical ends; a mind that fluctuates and that lacks the ability to concentrate, hence easily influenced; sympathy, not compassion; respect for the old and regard for the young; suavity, kindness; love for animals; strong protective sense, and an inclination to defend those incapable of self-defense; acute maternal instinct not based on sex; modesty, timidity, economy, receptivity, imagination, impressionability, changeableness; fond of travel; personal magnetism; psychic qualities; extra-sensory receptivity; lymphatic, changeable, plastic, wandering, romantic, visionary, frivolous, capricious, fanciful, unstable, procrastinating, lazy.

Psychological Planets: Sun

Sun: Individual faculties; consciousness of Ego, the Individuality as distinguished from the Personality. The vital energy that flows from the Sun through the solar system, enabling life to exist and its activities to be pursued; The solar influence is reflected in an impression of power in reserve; an outspoken and worldly-wise counselor; a strong individuality with an urge toward acquisition of power. Emanates an impression of dignity, grandeur, wisdom, authority, will and lofty spirituality. Restless under restraint, it operates more through inspiration than intellect. A strong paternal instinct. Generous, masterful, honest, truthful and creative; vital, forceful, sanguine, dignified. Power, honor, fame, pride, influence. When frustrated may become ostentatious, despotic, ceremonious, and fond of pomp and ritual.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

How the Biological Clock ticks

A Birthchart is a Life Map of the personality (Soul) and the planetary positions at birth have scheduled your seasons. Transits are the never-ending journeys of the planets around the zodiac. As they move around they make aspects to the natal positions (Starting point of each planet at birth time) of the planets and the house (Life topics) cusps (transition). They act as triggers to the natal planets and the angles (Ascendant;1st house, Descendant: 7th), MC (Midheaven: 9th house and IC: 4th house) activating their energies according to the signs, house positions and aspects (predicaments between Planets)in the Life Map and bring with them their own influences.

The moon in its transit touches on each one of the natal planets every 28 days or so, but as the moon moves so quickly, the influences that it brings are only fleeting, often just a change of mood. However, it also returns to its original natal position of the Life Map during this time and this is known as the Lunar Return. A chart set for this occurrence can give an insight into the trends of your behavior.

The transits of the inner planets to the natal planets are all of short duration, except when they go retrograde (A planet that is retrograde means that the planet was making an apparent backward motion at the time of birth. If a planet was retrograde at the time of birth, then that planet is notated in the natal horoscope with an Rx by the astrologer. Planets never move backwards, hence the term apparent.). The sun and moon are the only planets never to turn retrograde. When a planet is about to turn retrograde, it stations for a time before apparently turning back in its motion. The influence of stations, if hitting on a natal planet, can be quite marked. So too if a planet retrogrades over a natal planet having already passed over it once, as it will then transit it again when it turns to direct motion. The third time is usually the most noticeable.

Inner planet transits can be much more significant if at the same time they are making their own aspects together and hitting on a point of the LifeMap which has its own. For instance, if you have a grand trine in the natal chart (planets in aspect to each other in each sign of one particular element), this can be triggered by transits. A transit of two or more inner planets, hitting on one or more of the planets in the grand trine, acts like a trigger setting off the natal configuration.

Transits of the "heavy" outer planets are very much more significant in that they spend more time hovering over a particular area of Life on the Map. A transit of one of the outer planets doesn't necessarily have to hit a natal planet for its effect to be felt. A transit over one of the four angles of the chart is usually a major, possibly life-changing influence. As an example, Uranus transiting the cusp of the 7th house, the descendant and therefore one of the angles, can indicate the possibility of separation from a partner.

Any planet in transit returning to the same position as it was at birth will trigger off the aspects made in the natal chart by that planet.

These are the Dynamics that invent our Intangibles that become evident by our behavior.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Element Combinations with Earth

Earth and Air Type
Taurus,Virgo,Capricorn & Aquarius,Gimini,Libra

The heavy concentration of the combination of Earth and Air in your traits can indicate an alternating pull between the abstract-conceptual and the more mundane practical-efficiency orientations. Properly focused, this blending allows combining intellectual and conceptual awareness with a practical sense of harmony and concrete objectives. In other words, you are a thinker and you possess some common sense; a good combination. There is a fairly dry, detached sort of logic that allows you to deal with a volume of facts or figures without getting overwhelmed with the detail. Stress never bothers you much. Emotionalism is never a problem either.

Earth and Water Type
Taurus,Virgo,Capricorn & Pisces,Cancer,Scorpio

A lot of earth and water often produces persons displaying much depth, seriousness, and a strong sense of self-protectiveness in all activities. They are apt to be a hard worker, for earth/water types don't seem to be happy unless they have some burden, either emotionally or in everyday work. These placements are very conscious of survival needs, and other issues of security, and others' reliance on their solidity and resources. Therefore, much of your energy is used in an effort to maintain or obtain resources, and there is great attachment to money, possessions, job, children, and other security factors. You have endurance and an ability to survive through any calamity. Their attachment to security and to rather traditional values is often manifested in a strong adherence to family, home, and community responsibility. The negative side of earth/water types is becoming too attached to the past and rather fearful of the present and the future. Positive thinking and forming ideals may be your challenge.

Earth & Fire type
Taurus,Virgo,Capricorn & Aries,Leo, Sagittarius

When the elements of Fire and Earth combine, the result is potentially powerful and creative. Fire provides action and Earth looks for tangible results. The Earth elements give sustaining power to the drive from self-expression symbolized by the Fire elements. The rapid-fire inspirations of Fire are grounded by the Earth so that energies can be conserved and focused. A problem with this combination is a degree of insensitivity that is usually present. When moving toward a goal there is little concern for anything or anyone that gets in your way. You may need to cultivate attention to ideals and your own inner life. In any event, the key words for the elements in your chart are steadiness, reliability, and productivity.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Lack of Earth

Personalities Without Taurus,Virgo or Capricorn
The limited presence of the Earth element in a personality suggests that there is some difficulties dealing with practical and mundane issues; in fact it may be said that these types are not really at home on the planet Earth. They may seem to be somehow lost in space and unable to get their feet on the ground. Because of this responsibility weighs them down and there is trouble getting organized and following through on a task. It's manifested in a childish inability to handle mundane tasks, and they may be one of those people who needs help to accomplish the simplest fix-up chore. Material matter and money may be secondary concerns, and may not be particularly interested in earthly possessions and material gain. Sometimes persons with an absence of Earth compensate by expressing a compulsive trait toward neatness and detail, and a forced concern for organization. More often, the absence of earth signs means good old fashioned common sense may not be your strong suit.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Saturation of Earth

The heavy concentration of Earth
Earth Types are and slow developing & concrete personality. Although earth types are very sensual & love luxurious things they are not imaginative or innovative they are comfortable with a predictable settings. Cautious, premeditated, conventional, and systematic. Earth types live by a practical, common sense code; stable, and concerned with physical well-being rather than spiritual attainment. They are quite responsible and a bit rigid, methodical and detail-conscious. The term "down to earth" may fit quite well. It might be said that they are one of those people who is very well adjusted to life on this planet. A concern for the physical or material world makes you very much the realist. They are an organizer, a builder, and a hard-worker. The earth sign traits provide personalities with the skills and attitude necessary to succeed readily in the world of business. So pragmatic, they don't often gamble or take unnecessary chances. Earth types understand the reality of a situation and understand value, both in a material and in a human sense.

Their approach to people is much the same as their approach to life. They are reliable and steadfast. They are predictable and don't like surprises. Dependability, diligence and a pragmatic, no-nonsense approach to life are your greatest strengths. Lack of ideas or imagination, dullness, rigid conservatism, extreme materialism, and blind adherence to rules and regulations are your potential faults.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Ingredients that Create YOU.

Imagine a Box of you with your Picture on the front.

On the Side is the cooking instructions ( How to raise you,What you need,How to care for you and Love you.
Underneath the Cooking Instructions are the Ingredients. Listed from the most noticeable to the least noticeable trait about you.

Every person comes with this yet we Ignore it everyday in every way in every situation. No wonder we have So many messed up people. Imagine cooking food without
knowing how to prepare it.

Element combination with Fire.

Fire and Earth type
Aries,Leo,Sagittarius & Taurus,Virgo,Capricorn
When the elements of Fire and Earth combine within a soul personality, the result is a potentially powerful and creative person. Fire provides action and Earth looks for tangible results. The Earth elements give sustaining power to the drive from self-expression symbolized by the Fire elements. The rapid-fire inspirations of Fire are grounded by the Earth so that energies can be conserved and focused. A problem with this combination is a degree of insensitivity that is usually present. When moving toward a goal there is little concern for anything or anyone that gets in your way. You may need to cultivate attention to ideals and your own inner life. In any event, the key words for the elements in your chart are steadiness, reliability, and productivity.

Fire and Air Type
Aries,Leo,Sagittarius & Aquarius,Gemini,Libra
With the planets in your chart concentrated in Fire and Air you are idealistic, aspiring, and positive-thinking. You have the best of intentions and motives, but your approach to life may not be completely realistic. You have the ability to put your ideas into action, but you may neglect your emotional and material or physical needs. You probably have a keen sense of humor and a very effective way with words. At its best this is a very creative combination. The problem is getting things done as you are a person that is not well grounded in the persistent traits normally required to see the job through to completion. As full of ideas and enthusiasm as you are, energies may be scattered, and you must realize that you can't just pour out your energies unreservedly without simultaneously tuning in on your deeper resources if you're to avoid a state of constant depletion.

Fire and Water Type

Aries,Leo,Sagittarius & Pisces,Cancer, Scorpio.
The heavy emphasis on Fire and Water elements in your chart would indicate a general tendency to express everything emotionally, excitedly, and rather impulsively. There is often a lack of logical, systematic thought and procedure, with a resulting restlessness and subjective bias. This combination has intensity, emotional extremes, and surprising sensitivity to what others think of them. You are a "whole-hogger," having a marked lack of self-restraint. You may experience big swings in moods. You function in a high-pressure state, and you do best when being challenged.

The lack of Fire

Personalities lacking Aries,Leo & Sagittarius are those without fire.
The limited presence of the Fire element in your traits may suggest the need to experience life more actively. It may benefit you to become more vital, for you may lack the passion and spark that the fire signs afford. This doesn't mean that you don't enjoy life, but merely that you don't seem to know how to insert yourself into the action; pleasure, thrills and glory will be slow coming your way. Your pleasures are apt to be more subtle and sensitive, without the dramatics and flash. Although this void does not guarantee an introvert, you are not likely to be the extrovert. You lack the intangibles of a dare-devil courage that comes naturally for fire signs, and this includes the utter self-confidence these signs bestow. Because of this, you may like to stand back and let the other person make the first move in an encounter. If anything, you underestimate your abilities and value. You like to test the water before you jump in, and a competitive person can hold you back sometimes. By underrating your abilities, you are apt to often end up assisting others whose talents are less than your own, but whose reflection drive and desire is greater. Actually, you don't like having the spotlight on you, and you may prefer such a subordinate role.

Self-expression, both emotional and creative, may be difficult for you. In some cases, a person lacking fire in their chart may try to force self-expression and many of the more aggressive fire sign traits in order to compensate for the lack of these traits. Characteristic of this would be the less than talented, over-achiever in a sport who attains a modest level of skill and the ability to win through extreme hard work and long years of perseverance.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A saturation of the FIRE element

A saturation of Fire signs planets exemplifies high spirits, great faith in self, enthusiasm, and direct honesty. Your fire sign nature projects a radiant, vitalizing energy that seems to glow with warmth and exuberance. You need a good deal of freedom to express yourself naturally, and you will usually display a fairly unrelenting insistence on your own point of view. You put all of yourself in whatever you do. You are intensely assertive, individualistic, active and self-expressive. Fire sign energies stimulate people who are more lethargic, but often your energies overpower or exhaust the more retiring or more sensitive type. Good natured and fun-loving, you have many friends and you are generous with your time, energy, and resources. You place a far greater value on having a good time than on material possessions. For all the natural generosity displayed by the fire signs, they are also famous for the big egos they frequently demonstrate. You may believe so strongly in your own powers and abilities that you overlook and frequently fail to take advantage of the talents and abilities of others. You try to do it all yourself and don't delegate well. Despite this damaging flaw in your managerial ability, you belong to a group that is the most daring and capable inspiring in a management sense; the natural leaders. In battle, sports or business, it is usually the fire signs out front leading the charge. You are the type of leader that is very independent and individualistic, rarely consulting with others for advice. You are constantly out front or "on stage" and you need to be recognized and admired for your attainment and accomplishments. Appreciation is more important than money in your estimation. Nothing hurts more than being ignored. The fire sign sense of honesty is straightforward and often child-like. Thus, you believe everyone is, like yourself, an open book. You may be somewhat gullible and naive.


I have some information to share with you the is not orginally my own but the concepts belong to Astrology.

Fire, Air, Earth, and Water; the Triplicities
Fire, Air, Earth, and Water, the four elements, sometimes called the Triplicities, play an important part in Perception & Behavior. The term triplicities comes from the fact that there are three signs associated with each of the four elements.

Here are the signs divided by element:

Fire.....Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius
Earth.....Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Air.....Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Water....Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

When these elements are translated as personality traits or temperament, they become important features of the delineation. Here are brief readings of each of the four elements and delineations of a situation when one's chart contains two of the elements having similar strength. For the few who have a balance in elements, the concepts of elements should be considered balanced. That is they tend to reflect common sense (earth), action orientation (fire), thinking and communication skills (air), and the ability to feel and intuitively know (water) in reasonable proportion and don't rely overly on any of these traits at the expense of another.

Just as it is important to observe the element that is strongest in the chart, it is also important to note the element, if any, that is not significantly represented in the horoscope. A reading, that may be appropriate when such an absence is noted, is also provided below.
Many astrologers consider the element of each of the planets when determining which of the elements may be more significant in a horoscope. My method for evaluating the strength of an element in a birth chart is to assign a value of 4 to the element associated with the Sun; the Moon element is assigned a value of 3; Mercury, Venus, and Mars sign elements are assigned a value of 2 each, and Jupiter and Saturn each have a value of 1. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are disregarded because their element is more societal affecting large groups of individuals born during a period. Using this approach, if as many as 8 points are concentrated in one element, it is considered a preponderance in that element.

Everyone should get this Book!

Astrology, Psychology and the Four ElementsAn Energy Approach to Astrology & Its Use in the Counselling Artsby Stephen Arroyo

Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements by Stephen
Arroyo, a recognized classic in modern astrology, is truly a pioneering book in the field of astrology. It establishes a new science of astrological psychology. Arroyo presents a language of energy that has enabled astrology to be widely and reliably used in the helping professions as well as by the general public. As Library Journal stated, "Transcending the boundaries of separate disciplines, this work represents a major distillation of astrological principles."

This book relates astrology to modern psychology and explains the use of astrology as a practical method of understanding one's attunement to universal forces. It clearly shows how to approach astrology with a real understanding of the energies involved, and it includes practical instruction in the interpretation of astrological factors with more depth than is commonly found in astrological textbooks. It was awarded the Astrology Prize by the British Astrological Association.

Part 1: Astrology and Psychology
Part 1 thoroughly explains how astrology can be the most valuable psychological tool for understanding oneself and others. Analyzing the scientific, philosophical, and intuitive dimensions of astrology, it is oriented toward the layman with no astrological knowledge, astrology students and professionals, and those engaged in any form of the counselling arts.

Part 2: The Four Elements
An Energy Approach to Interpreting Birth-ChartsPart 2 deals specifically with the interpretation and practical application of astrological factors based on the actual energies involved (air, fire, water, & earth). It presents a dynamic application of astrological knowledge that clarifies and illuminates traditional techniques and meanings by placing them in the perspective of understanding the vital energies inherent in all life processes.

"A Masterpiece! Arroyo has presented so eloquently, so practically, the only new approach to astrology in a generation." - Dr. Arthur D. Cain

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cosmic Factory

Organs & Arteries

Metaphysically Speaking think of the Planets as Organs & Dwarf Planets & Asteroids as arteries. The Planets serving as the main functional influence psychologically & the smaller bodies serving as messengers associated to the greater functions of the Major planets. As we all know Stars produce all the matter in the Universe. It's like a Cosmic factory each time there is a Super Nova. Since everything that forms in the universe is produced by Stars we have to consider that we are also connected to the function of the solar system. What a Marvelous system put in action by the Creator of all things.

Galaxies,Stars,Planets,Asteroids,Comets. It's all apart of the Cosmic Factory. All of this enables Life to Exist on Earth University the Only place in the Known Universe where Spirit,Soul & Matter can be found together.

The Creator's garden of Life.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Virgo:The Seething Heat of Earth

There types of Earth. The Earth, Dry: Capricorn, Moist: Taurus & Lava: Virgo.

The subject in Mind today is Virgo the pliable & intelligent inferno. All descriptions fit the mysterious Virgo nature that is capable of various displays of behavior based on the Situation & History by which any one of them may have emerged.
The young Virgo is undemonstrative and compliant taking the role of a bystander to most situations. Silently taking inventory of every situation & detail desiring to called on for assistance yet lacking the assertiveness to be noticed. Gradually over time these silent supportive bystanders come into their own as they progress into the initiative taking communicative socialite behavior of Libra. No longer passive or undemonstrative they totally own the traits of Cardinal & Air while attaining their original nature to be supportive & adaptable. Most of all possessing the power & ability for explosive volcanic tempers that insure their message comes across very clear what's important to them (Details & perfection).

Of all Earth Signs Virgo enjoys the company of any fire most of all Sagittarius which inspires their desire to be creative & opinionated.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Cancer: Water Must Crash

Water is a very complex element and exists in many forms. These forms of water are perfect examples of behaviors displayed in the Zodiac water signs. Moody,Intuitive, Illusive & Nurturing Pisces,Cancer,Scorpio are the signs that express all facets of it's element water. Each sign existing in it's original form, then mutating it's state according to the provoked mood. Each sign when naturally healthy functions accordingly, Cancer-Instinctual, Pisces-Theoretical, Scorpio-Intellectual. It is the progressed evolution of the personality that takes place and adds a perspective to the behavior that may seem unfamiliar to all people closely associated (Imagine each sign of the zodiac as a number on the clock as time passes the hours change, likewise your birth sign). Think of this mutation as adding contents to a jar of water. What ever the content added the water becomes. But without the water the contents cannot exist. If any of us are familiar with a cancer during their youth we remember a sweet and cautious person. We remember a shapely supportive & compliant person that went with the flow. These characteristics change during progression, before we know it we are dealing with an assertive, intuitive and opinionated individual that resembles nothing of the person we met years ago?

Why & How does this happen?
Cancer is born in a Liquid state of consciousness in which moods have enough energy to move over and around situations, but not beat all attracting forces. When Cancers progresses it moves into Leo which heats their temperament and activates the mood into assertiveness. The progression into Leo shifts their mentality from emotional to intellectual. Deepening the complexity of explaining their actions or making any sense of their feelings. This nature shifts from instinctual behavior to analytical explanations articulated by their feelings in solid comprehension what was once beyond their awareness at an earlier age. Maturing from a misty personality to a liquid form of water crashing their emotions on any situation asserting their views and feelings.

Of all water signs Cancer most needs the stability of Earth so they may Crash these passionate emotions that Leo progression brings on to solid ground of Taurus,Virgo or Capricorn.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Measuring 'Intangible' traits

Our personality consist of many aspects that contribute to our Abilities & Skills. Understanding what we have to offer individually and participating in the proper role which allows us to prosper is a key factor in our happiness & Success.

Evaluating intangible characteristics

PLANNING: Earth>Taurus,Virgo,Capricorn
1. Can you set verifiable short- and long-term goals?
2. Are your goals in tune with everyone elses needs?
3. Does your planning show sound assumptions reflecting the familyneeds, goals and resources?
4. Do you typically achieve expected results?

Fire>Aries.Leo, Sagittarius
5. Are you aware of what is going on in your family, jobs & Friends, including who is doing what?
6. Do you know what you can do in an emergency?
7. Do you do a good job of delegating work according to family member’ abilities?
8. When confronted with an emergency, can you quickly recognize the most important priorities?
9. Do you appreciate the financial implications of his or her decisions?
10. Does he or she make decisions quickly, but not hastily?

INTELLIGENCE: Elements>Virgo,Libra,Sagittarius, Scorpio
11. Do you see relationships between facts and draw appropriate conclusions quickly?
12. Do you learn from experience?

INITIATIVE: Cardinal>Capricorn,Aries,Cancer,Libra
13. DO you anticipate what has to be done?
14. Can you perform well in the absence of support?
15. Can you make original suggestions & improve in important situations?

LEADERSHIP: Air>Aquarius,Gemini, Libra
16. Can I explain rather than command?
17. Do people listen closely when he or she speaks?
18. Does the employee spell out the benefits of doing things his or her way?
19. Does he or she deal smoothly with unexpected developments?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Intangible Health Issues

Medical Astrology used by physicians hundreds of years ago is still widely used today although it is a specialist field and difficult to learn. It's used to Diagnose difficult intangible ailments. I will be featuring only the Emotional Signs and will return to this issue during the season of Intellectual signs.


Aries can readily take up the challenge and the fight involved with chronic illness. Aries’ dislike restrictions in life resulting in major frustration dampening their usual spirit. They do not like how symptoms of illness slow them down. Most likely, Aries will be the first to join support groups and start treatment plans. They love to turn the focus on themselves by claiming pioneer status and sole rights to their illness. Taking up the challenge they are prone to headaches and burnout when stress levels are high. Side effects of illness include regressive psychological behaviors like that of a two year old.

Needs attention, parent figures, validation and home made comfort food.


Taurus enjoy practical monitoring of food intake and outgoing. Only the really fanatic Taurus person will study the quality of their daily stool. The Taurus person conserves their energy through careful management and by grazing on foods. They tend to eat sweet foods including ice cream when they are tired and indolent. Stubbornness is a classic trait for the bull however patience can be their virtue too. Especially when dealing with symptoms and planning specialist appointments. Taurus people benefit from sensual touch (massage etc) and permissions to be lazy when managing illness. They have a potential to become stingy and possessive when stressed. The grass is always greener they say and the Taurus values his sense of security above all. Obsessiveness, Sore throats and Irritable Bowel Syndrome are some illness symptoms.


The Gemini has a multi planned approach to living with illness. In one respect they will deny having an illness while on the other hand over-worry about being ill. Confusion is the worst enemy of the Gemini. They tend to write, read and discuss general symptoms with others to make sense of their own symptoms. They set up new social networks and acquaintances in pursuit of managing illness. Different friends or associates are utilized at different times for managing illness. Perhaps they cannot accept that the two parts of them are ill together. They become fidgety and show loss of Identity while managing illness. Their thinking style is fitting of the ADHD profiles with illness and symptomatic stress.

Quiet dark rooms are antithetical but helpful for Gemini’s healing.


These people find comfort by spending time at home with family. Being sensitive and intuitive to changes in their bodies, Cancer types tend to build psychological barriers and accumulate stress. They will nurture others to stay inwardly strong themselves. Fluid retention and digestive issues need management during illness. This Star sign may have a tendency to lie about their health condition or only discuss what others might prefer to hear. Sometimes they don’t really know all the facts about their illness so it isn’t really lying. Is it? Symptoms of illness include a potential for hysterics and vast mood shifts while managing their illness.

Staying in bed, taking baths, going to counseling and pampering self are helpful and healthy-treatment plans.

Music Therapy

For those with Theoretical (Sag,Cap,Aqu,Pis), Emotional (Ari,Tur,Gem,Can) traits or heavy Neptune influence. I recommend Music Therapy to break overwhelming moods of negativity or psychic blocks. Find music for the mood you desire to be in (joyous,happy or peaceful) play the music. Do not listen but feel....let the music douse your soul as you become transformed by the melody allow it to come through you and begin to sing with it and become the music soon after your negative vibes will be released and you will be refreshed.

(Why did I exclude the Intellectual signs? This method can be effective for (Leo,Virgo,Libra,Scorpio) However; these types thrive on facts not moods.What relieves intellectual signs are conclusions to equations).


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cancer:Main Function:

To seek out emotional security by providing it to others.
The fourth sign of the zodiac is very sensitive and lives on an emotional roller coaster from day to day. Because the Moon rules this sign and the Moon changes signs every two and a half days, Cancers are subject to extreme moodiness and the need to navigate their feelings on a constant basis.Cancer people are decidedly receptive and nurturing, particularly to those who need some TLC. Cancer is the sign that rules the Mother, and these people are very maternal, often becoming the neighborhood caretaker, or the one whose house everyone gravitates toward. And like many mothers, these folks can be domineering and control-oriented.

Gemini: Main Function:

To gather all the information it can and then disseminate it.
Geminis are very social, able to strike up a conversation with a total stranger as though they’ve been friends forever. Their uncanny capacity for familiarity helps them to make connections with others, which is their main objective. Gemini’s are here to gather all the information they can, to gain knowledge, to learn something new, and then to share it all with others.

Taurus: Main Function

To establish security and a solid foundation.
Taurus people are solid, strong and reliable. These are among the most practical, realistic people in the world, and they insist on tangible proof before trusting in anything. The second sign of the zodiac is extremely pragmatic, takes one step at a time, with feet solidly planted on the ground. More than any other, this sign is concerned with financial security and is extremely money-oriented.

Aries: Main Function

To get things going.
The first sign of the zodiac is the pioneer, the risk taker, the one to get things started, and the one to try out what has never been tried before. (Captain James T. Kirk was an Aries). Aries people are spontaneous, impulsive and self-motivated. They don’t ask permission, and they tend to move on to something new before most people even realize what they’re doing (including themselves).Aries people are leaders, but they don’t necessarily think of themselves that way. They do what interests them, and that frequently takes them to the top. An amazing number of executives and CEO’s are Aries people.

On Divorce

What other relationship in family can we walk away from other than marriage?We fail to see marriage as a permanent union because the bloodless tie. Do we divorce our Brother,Sister Mom,Dad, Uncle, Aunt,Cousins,Niece or Nephew?No because it's understood those relationships are fixed so we learn to work it out.The business of Law has made it an option to destroy our families promoting selfishness and immaturity. I know because I brought the lie years ago and no problems have been solved!Children suffer because they see parents as they truly are FAMILY!

What is....A Life Map

You have searched me, LORD, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue
you, LORD, know it completely. You hem me in behind and before,
and you lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too lofty for me to attain. Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast. If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me
and the light become night around me,” even the darkness will not be dark to you;
the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful,
I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them!Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand—when I awake, I am still with you.

Psalm 139

Many of us seek self Glory. We have chosen our own path but have you considered that your plans have been made already. Were we born of our own Will? We call it our Biological clock. We are taught to ignore that fact to keep hope alive to strive for what we want in the name of free will.

If we missed our fate, too early or too late then it becomes a burden. If you are religious I'll equate this with the life of Jesus (the Christ). If you remember in the gospels how He wouldn't allow others to force the situation until the proper time and how He would pray for strength to keep Himself disciplined according to the will of The Father. The will of the Father is in our Natal Chart aka biological clock. Sarah wouldn't wait for Gods timing told Abraham to sleep with the maid then that child became the rival to her child that she finally had in the time God had promised by Abraham her husband.

With that in Mind have you realized God has made plans for you from the beginning? Have you considered those plans? I call this World Earth University and those plans that are made a Life Syllabus, that Syllabus is known as a Natal Chart. Good Book Says{A man’s heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps.}{It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter.}{Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.}Discover yours.