What is Self Doubt?
Can we live an effective and successful life without self Confidence? Who is responsible for developing our self confidence? What role does family life play in building self confidence? How do we express our confidence through our Astrological traits?Self Doubt begins with a Lack of self Confidence but when does it all begin? Depending on your birth trait lacking self confidence is manifested in different attitudes.
Self-confidence and Making Mistakes
Some mothers shout at their children as soon as they break anything, stain their clothes, forget to do their chores or any other minor mistake. Treating a child in this way results in him thinking that doing something wrong is shameful and that making mistakes makes him different from other perfect people who do not make mistakes. When this child grows up and makes a certain mistake in front in public, like dropping a glass or having something go wrong during a presentation, it appears to him as an embarrassing situation and will cause him to think that he is not up to the standard of other people. These kinds of thoughts will gradually but surely damage his confidence.
A parent's role should be building self-confidence in their children by encouraging them to try new things and not to be afraid of making mistakes. The parent should teach them that, as a human being, error's are unavoidable; so it's best to accept your mistakes without criticizing or labeling yourself.