There truly is an explanation for Sexual confusion and it all has to do with a number of factors, birth traits, Conditioning and Puberty. Those factor exposed to masculine or feminine energy develop differently under natural conditions of maturity.
Its rather easy to explain but hard to believe. There are two energies Masculine and Feminine. Its essential that children be exposed to the correct balance from both energies of each parent so they can distinguish the roles between the genders. As children develop around a dominate parent and the parent they gravitate towards they learn that behavior. This behavior information is ingrained within their own cell memory, how deeply it becomes ingrained depends on the original astrological personality of the child. Whether the child is strong willed or passive all the patterns the child observed over time becomes apart of their behavior data base. When the child reaches puberty the behavior that was processed becomes solidified and apart of their "problem solving social solution information". If the child picks up feminine behavior patters they express themselves like a female in stressful conflicts & relationship issues.
A boy that is exposed to female behavior begins to feel like a woman around Masculine energy because they have been exposed to female dominance they act out feminine behavior of the gender that conditioned them and vice versa for the girls. When these feelings emerge it is believed to be natural because the process has already taken place and the behavior has fully developed. It can be proved it other Psychological studies on different topics. The only difference is sexual conditioning begins so early it's hard to believe that it actually matters by the time the person is aware of their sexuality it feels like apart of them and not a choice. To behave like the gender that has trained them socially feels comfortable to emulate. The choice to act on these feelings instead of exploring the cause and therapy to resolve past issues is where the Problem begins.
The process has to do with the personality type of the individual. Some conditioning becomes deeper rooted depending on the Zodiac traits that comprise the whole personality of the person. If your child is facing insecurities around their own gender and prefers to be in less threatening company of the opposite gender the signs are strong enough to take action. Psychological observation and correction of their perception and insecurities can be corrected. A person that is threatened by their feelings around the same gender and feels comforted or protected obviously has confidence issues that are deeper rooted and become manifested in their social experiences. The pursuit of affection from the same gender is also an indication of which energy has been developed within the person and what polarizes them. It is Important that the opposite parent validates the identity of the child at an early age and therefore establishes the correct self esteem to express the proper gender energy which leads to the attraction of the opposite sex. The confused feeling around gender totally comes from conditioning by the incorrect gender and the confidence to express the proper energy as a male or female. If you see early signs of sexual energy imbalance understand that your child needs to be conditioned not educated by the proper energy and validated to express their proper energy confidently as male is masculine and a female is feminine its important to begin as soon as possible.