Ever wonder how Cancers & Sagittarians Make Magnificent Couples?
Heres How ( Sometimes)
Cancer is the sign of home, family, and upbringing. The character you have acquired through your upbringing is ruled by this sign, as well. When you meet some real "characters", they often have Cancer prominent in their charts. Cancerians often love history.
Since Cancer is ruled by the Moon, they can be moody. I have known Cancer women who changed their clothes many times a day, as their moods changed, and one Cancer artist who had an entire color-coded system for recording her moods. I have known Cancer men who dressed like someone out of an historical period. Cancers can be quite loony (especially those born from 1949 to 1956 when Uranus was in Cancer).
Cancer is the sign of home and family -- Cancers tend to be devoted to both. The negative sides of Cancer come about when Cancer is too parochial, too afraid of that which is foreign -- anyone or anything which isn't "familiar" (where familiar comes from the same root as family!). Cancer can be the caring father, but is more often associated with women and motherhood. Cancers often want to feed people and to make them feel "at home".
Jupiter makes people see the larger context -- it's the sign of growth and expansion. Jupiter rules religion, philosophy, and politics. Jupiter also rules over-expansion, snobbery, and greed (it's more negative traits). In terms of nations, Cancer rules nationalistic sentiment and the sense of a homeland. Prominent planets in Cancer signal highly patriotic times.
Jupiter is exalted in Cancer since Jupiter makes Cancer see the larger context and break out of their parochial limitations. Since Jupiter stays in a sign for a year and, therefore, circles the zodiac in 12 years, we can look back to the years when Jupiter was in Cancer to see the patterns.
As we would expect, these periods were good for women's rights -- Jupiter expands the role of women in the society. Everything from Mother's Day to the first woman in the U.S. Senate happened with Jupiter in Cancer.
During these years people cared (Cancer) more (Jupiter) for others. People often broke out of some prejudice or expanded their awareness. Of course, people tend to be more emotional, more interested in home and family. Jupiter in Cancer is the common thought, "my children will be better off than I am".
As an interesting aside, the United States chart for July 4, 1776 has the Sun in Cancer conjunct Jupiter in Cancer. When Jupiter is in Cancer it's the Jupiter return for the United States.