Jupiter: The abstract and creative faculties: comparison applied in generalizations upon the broader aspects; idealism; powerful sense of the dramatic, and obsessed with the desire to be of service to society; symbolizes a person of sound judgment with an ample store of common sense; optimism, order, harmony; the principle of expansion and growth as expressed in the accumulation of material wealth, but without the miserliness of a marked Saturnian trait. Idealism generosity; a balance of feeling and thought, of heart and mind, that yields optimism, devotion, benevolence, good nature, generosity, temperateness, sociability, hopefulness; peace-loving, law-abiding, philosophical; usually of marked religious tendencies, especially of a ritualistic order; convinced of the integrity of his motives and that his judgments are tempered with mercy; love of beauty as applied to grandeur and the sublime, with a leaning toward art, especially sculpture; the ability to overcome opposition with forceful but impersonal arguments; broad vision, open-mindedness; listens to reason.
Jupiter creates conditions through which these qualities can bc expressed: health, as physical harmony; law, as social harmony; religion, as spiritual harmony - not as channels of intellect, or the means of making money. It represents judgment, power in the benevolent sense, profit, good fortune, honesty, dignity - or just plain respectability.
At its best Jupiter is generous, expansive, genial, temperate, vital, benevolent, respectful, self-controlled; but when frustrated it inclines to pride, dissipation, boastfulness, gambling, extravagance, procrastination, complacency, hypocrisy.