Birthchart is a
Life Map of the personality (Soul) and the planetary positions at birth have scheduled your seasons. Transits are the never-ending journeys of the planets around the zodiac. As they move around they make aspects to the natal positions (Starting point of each planet at birth time) of the planets and the house (
Life topics) cusps (transition). They act as triggers to the natal planets and the angles (
Ascendant;1st house, Descendant: 7th), MC (Midheaven: 9th house and IC: 4th house) activating their energies according to the signs, house positions and aspects (
predicaments between Planets)in the
Life Map and bring with them their own influences.
The moon in its transit touches on each one of the natal planets every 28 days or so, but as the moon moves so quickly, the influences that it brings are only fleeting, often just a change of mood. However, it also returns to its original natal position of the Life Map during this time and this is known as the Lunar Return. A chart set for this occurrence can give an insight into the trends of your behavior.
The transits of the inner planets to the natal planets are all of short duration, except when they go retrograde (
A planet that is retrograde means that the planet was making an apparent backward motion at the time of birth. If a planet was retrograde at the time of birth, then that planet is notated in the natal horoscope with an Rx by the astrologer. Planets never move backwards, hence the term apparent.). The sun and moon are the only planets never to turn retrograde. When a planet is about to turn retrograde, it stations for a time before apparently turning back in its motion. The influence of stations, if hitting on a natal planet, can be quite marked. So too if a planet retrogrades over a natal planet having already passed over it once, as it will then transit it again when it turns to direct motion. The third time is usually the most noticeable.
Inner planet transits can be much more significant if at the same time they are making their own aspects together and hitting on a point of the LifeMap which has its own. For instance, if you have a grand trine in the natal chart (planets in aspect to each other in each sign of one particular element), this can be triggered by transits. A transit of two or more inner planets, hitting on one or more of the planets in the grand trine, acts like a trigger setting off the natal configuration.
Transits of the "heavy" outer planets are very much more significant in that they spend more time hovering over a particular area of Life on the Map. A transit of one of the outer planets doesn't necessarily have to hit a natal planet for its effect to be felt. A transit over one of the four angles of the chart is usually a major, possibly life-changing influence. As an example, Uranus transiting the cusp of the 7th house, the descendant and therefore one of the angles, can indicate the possibility of separation from a partner.
Any planet in transit returning to the same position as it was at birth will trigger off the aspects made in the natal chart by that planet.
These are the Dynamics that invent our Intangibles that become evident by our behavior.