From Chennai based K.B.Gopalakrishnan
Many of so called new age guru try to make people happy. There is nothing wrong in that. The fact is happiness is beyond the control of normal human will. In fact I told a student of mine that 80% of the time people experience mood swings due to external factors. She was quite shocked. I told her that after 12 o clock I saw lot of shift in energy in the astral world and most people would have experienced mood swings which include her. She was not all surprised and when I asked her she said that I was different from others.
Any way coming to the main point I will give another example. There was lady who called me up from Punjab saying she was disturbed and want to commit suicide. I told her to light lamp and incense, have salt water bath and then do deep breathing. She recovered very fast. I asked her if she had picked up some one thought on the same frequency. She said “actually you are right. I have been listening to all this kind of crap in the last two days”.
• Timing – certain times people are prone to mood swings for example tithi’s like pratipada, shasthi, astami navami, trayodasai, amvasaya and purnima, in terms of days Saturday and Sunday trigger mood swings. Rahu kalam and nakahstra of mars and rahu will also trigger. When transit moon touches transit rahu and mars will also trigger. This will surprise most of Freudian people who never connected time with depression and mental illness.
• Pirtu paksha – during amavsaya and pitru paksha most of the lower astral world easily opens up. Many people will get depressed.
• Mass death – when mass of people dying like tsunami, earth quakes or market crash, it will swing the mood of the world. It is like going death house where you will pick up their negative feelings. Just one lakh people getting upset can upset crore of people lives.
• Possession of spirit – when one goes to bar or some lower consciousness place people do get possessed. That is why when some one drinks they behave beyond all civility. One day my teacher showed me the ad of amtiaba bachan becoming spirit and using some one to eat Cadbury as an example.
• When some one close family members suffer- one person told me that when some close relative died in India and though he was in USA without getting any information he was feeling depressed for few days. One person use to have mood swing when ever his brother had schizophrenia attacks.
• Projection of though form – when you go near a women who has just finished her periods we will get sexually excited. The ojas which oozes from her body has that quality. You should be careful. In the same way when you hurt some one and if the person has strong mind you can get affected with out any reason.
• Pick up other person feelings – this can happen in mass place like movie, parking lot, shopping mall or listening to some one negative story.
Certain other external phenomenon like mars coming closer to earth or Venus cutting across sun disc or mock sun or dark halo around the sun can alter the mood of the world.
If you see globe as one unit and then it is easy to understand why these kind of phenomenon happens. Just telling you are owner of thoughts shows very limited way of talking.
I was explaining this to a girl that human being are like small bubble where a huge beam of light falls on it. The color of bubble change according to beam. In the same way human mind can be influenced by strong beam which he or she has no control.
Of course psychic self defense, aura shielding, salt water bath can help a lot if you understand easily.